Online Therapy & Counselling

Online therapy via Zoom, Skype and FaceTime.

Our experienced team of UK based counsellors and psychotherapists are able to offer online counselling and psychotherapy to children, adolescents, young people, adults, couples and families. 

Many people choose online / telephone therapy and counselling sessions as a flexible alternative or an addition to in-person (face to face) sessions. Sometimes people have all their sessions online whilst at other times online / telephone sessions are used when face to face sessions may not be possible - for example at times of travel or illness, finally some people also find it's a good first step towards in-person / face-to-face counselling too. Research shows that online and face to face counselling and psychotherapy have equivalent outcomes. There is also research evidence to indicate that people who were reluctant to try online therapy did find it a positive experience. (Source BACP Research Conference May 2020).

For some people having therapy online over the internet / phone isn't just convenient, for fitting around their lifestyle, but it also allows them to have a session in the comfortable and familiar atmosphere of home.

When you have your initial session you will be able to talk through with your therapist what to expect from online sessions.


What is the experience of Online Therapy?

Here someone shares their experience:

“I had face to face psychotherapy in the past and wanting to start therapy again meant going online. I returned to my old therapist and of course the setting up of the session was different, what with having to sort out the technology, agreement and payment remotely but what I really noticed was that I felt more relaxed throughout.

There was none of the anticipatory anxiety of spending the journey wondering what to talk about and none of the awkwardness of going into someone else’s home and space. Instead, I started the session excited and nervous about starting but felt relaxed being in my own home and more composed with the technology between us. When the session started I could see the sofa in the background were I had sat previously and remembered just how excruciating it had felt at times.

I instantly reconnected with my therapist and found I was able to speak freely and openly, even to say about how the sofa had been difficult at times. I guess that as my history includes abuse and social anxiety it’s only natural that meeting through technology might be removing some of the pressure that comes from being with another person. Of course I always knew cognitively I was safe with my therapist but I didn’t always feel safe when talking about and therefore reliving having been hurt by others. 

Somehow being the other end of a video call eased the pressure to allow me to feel new feelings and ones that I think have been important in understanding more about myself. I’ve reached a time in life that I want to put those experiences behind me and it feels as though that is happening now. I’m not sure whether I will want to return to face to face sessions when the lockdown and pandemic factors change - I only know I am pleased to have gone back into therapy online”.

How We Conduct Our Online Therapy & Counselling Sessions

Getting started with Online Counselling and Psychotherapy is simple with an initial assessment. In the session you will explore what has brought you, what you would like to achieve and then if it is agreed that further sessions may be helpful, you will be able to make a plan for how to proceed including session times, length, frequency, duration and what technology. 

Our therapists will ensure they are using tested methods and technologies for the best possible online quality and will be using the latest security functionality on those platforms. They will also take steps to ensure they are working from locations where your privacy and confidentiality is maintained and disruptions are kept to an absolute minimum.

In turn your therapist will be able to talk you through how you might ensure you can get the best from sessions including thinking about how to set yourself up at home so that disruptions are kept to a minimum.

The Online Counselling / Psychotherapy Services on Offer

In most circumstances our team are able to work with you online / by telephone and if you have particular requirements our therapists will be happy to talk to you about how they might be met.

Are Online Counselling and Psychotherapy Sessions Effective?

We are experienced at working with our clients in this way and there's research evidence supporting that online / phone therapy sessions are just as effective as face-to-face sessions. For example, a leading medical journal, The Lancet previously published a study validating the claims that cognitive behavioural therapy, over the internet, is just as effective in treating depression as that of traditional therapy that's face to face.

Does Online Counselling and Psychotherapy Work?

Our experienced team of counsellors and psychotherapists are experienced at working both face to face and online so they will work with you to ensure you are getting what you want from your sessions.

Research is also showing that face to face and online counselling and psychotherapy have equivalent outcomes.

In addition, there is a specific phenomena "online disinhibition" whereby clients find it easier to speak about difficult things than in face to face therapy. Clients feel less concerned about feeling judged and report feeling in greater control. (Source BACP research conference May 2020).

More information on our blog

See our recent blog post where online therapy is discussed and an experience of online therapy is shared. Click here

Latest advances in treatment of anxiety and depression coming out of the USA: here

Further Online Therapy Assistance

If you require further Assistance regarding our Online Therapy Services either Contact Nicholas Rose & Associates using the Enquiry form here below or please telephone 020 8996 9551

Therapists Specialising in Online Therapy & Counselling:

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We are so pleased with how much happier he has become and have seen such a remarkable change with respect to school and behaviour at home. We think your sessions have been instrumental with that and we can't thank you enough! (parent of a 9...

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