
Relationships are often a major subject in individual counselling and therapy. It is natural to feel upset with or around others because our relationships are so important to us. Sometimes it is possible to get stuck and lost when relationships are not working and therapy provides an opportunity to talk through the "stuckness", gain new perspectives and find ways forward.

When can therapy help?

Being one of the most important aspects of life, great pain can arise when relationships are not working. People bring relationships to talk about in therapy for a broad range of reasons including:

  • Conflict
  • Boundaries
  • Power dynamics
  • Assertiveness
  • Self confidence
  • Self esteem
  • Abuse
  • Communication difficulties
  • Sexual concerns
  • Gaslighting and other controlling behaviours
  • Parenting
  • Anxiety about the welfare of loved ones
  • Changing patterns of relating
  • Social anxiety
  • Attachment
  • Commitment
  • Ending relationships

The types of relationship that can be usefully spoken about in therapy include:

  • Partners
  • Spouses
  • Parents
  • Children
  • Siblings
  • Extended family
  • Friends
  • Colleagues
  • Managers
  • Groups
  • Neighbours
  • Peers

What can I expect?

We will explore with you what is concerning you about relationships and recommend a way forward. If your concern is specific to a specific relationship, for example a sibling or partner we can talk about what to do or we may also speak with you about the possibility of starting relationship therapy with them. This also applies to family and organisational concerns.

However having therapy with the people with whom you are struggling is not always feasible or desirable and we can work with you to find ways to resolve and better manage your relationship concerns.

Can I come to therapy with the people I am struggling with?

If you would like to come to therapy with another, or other people we can offer experienced therapists. Our services include:

Therapists Specialising in Relationships:

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We are so pleased with how much happier he has become and have seen such a remarkable change with respect to school and behaviour at home. We think your sessions have been instrumental with that and we can't thank you enough! (parent of a 9...

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