Smartphone Addiction

While a smartphone can be a hugely productive tool, compulsive use of this device can interfere with our social lives and affect our mental health. When you spend more time on your phone than you do interacting with real people, or you can’t stop yourself from checking your texts, emails or apps, it may be time to reassess your phone use. High smartphone use can often be symptomatic of other underlying problems, such as stress, anxiety, depression or loneliness. At the same time, it can also exacerbate these problems.

There are a number of steps you can take to get your phone use under control, but it can be hard to beat and addiction on your own. 

Increasingly parents come to us to talk abut how to help their children with smartphone addiction but it is also the case that it is the younger person themselves who benefits from talking to at therapist.

We provide a safe and private place where you can talk confidentially. Our therapists will listen, be supportive and encouraging to help you to talk through your experiences and find ways to move forward.

Further Smartphone Addiction Therapy Assistance

If you require further assistance regarding our Smartphone Addiction Therapy Services either Contact Nicholas Rose & Associates using the Enquiry form here below or please telephone 020 8996 9551

Therapists Specialising in Smartphone Addiction:

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We wanted to thank you for helping in identifying what has been going on with our son. It has been a true eye opener and we are going to take everything your said on board. (parent of a 5 years old)

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