Anger Management and Therapy

16 - Jul - 2021

What is meant by Anger Management? 

Anger is said to be the outcome of other emotions such as hurt, betrayal, or loss, among others. It is an extremely tough process for people to go through since it frequently results in other difficult feelings such as humiliation, embarrassment and shame and thoughts of being unable to regulate one's sentiments regarding events, others, and/or oneself. 

Although anger is a normal reaction and emotion, it does need to be taken seriously and dealt with as it can have serious consequences. Of course, anger is felt on a broad spectrum so a key question to ask can be is your anger affecting your life, health work or relationships? If yes then it is important to know that you can learn to control it.

Why is anger important to talk about?

  • Being angry can be horrible for both the sufferer and those around them
  • There are long term physical effects of uncontrolled anger including increased anxiety, high blood pressure and headaches. 
  • No one wants to be angry. Anger can lead to violence. 
  • Anger breaks relationships when the angry person most needs them
  • Angry people struggle because something is not being understood
  • The concept of boundaries is helpful in thinking about anger
  • Whilst it might feel good to express anger it is likely to trigger stress responses in other people resulting in escalating conflicts.

Strategies to keep anger at bay

  • Relaxation: Simple relaxation techniques like deep breathing and visualising and recalling times when you have felt calm and relaxed can aid in the reduction of furious sentiments.
  • Restructuring of the Mind: Remind yourself that getting angry will not solve your problems or make you feel better (and may actually make you feel worse). Try replacing angry thoughts with rational ones. 
  • Improved Communication: Angry individuals can have a tendency to leap to conclusions and act on them, even if some of those judgments are incorrect. Slow down and consider your replies if you're in a heated argument. Slow down and consider what you want to say before speaking. Simultaneously, pay attention to what the other person is saying and make notes. Pay attention to what the other person is saying and take your time before responding.
  • Changing Your Environment: It's our immediate surroundings that might irritate and enrage us at times. Problems and obligations may weigh you down and make you furious with the "trap" you've fallen into, as well as all the people and things who make up that trap. Allow yourself to relax. Make sure you arrange some "personal time" for periods of the day when you know you'll be most stressed.

Anger Management Therapy and Counselling

One of the challenges of anger is the sensation of helplessness that comes from not being able to control one's emotions. Counselling and psychotherapy can provide a safe environment for people to explore their anger and find strategies to control and reduce its symptoms.

Anger Management Counselling: What to Expect

We'll look at what makes you angry, identify triggers, and build techniques to help you manage your anger in the way you want.

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