Services for Businesses and Organisations

Business Award

Businesses and organisations often call upon the services of counsellors and therapists in the development of their wellbeing strategies and services and at times of particular crisis. Staff bereavements, accidents, redundancy programmes or organisational transitions are the main reasons for bringing in external expertise.

The HSE also recognises that stress, including work related stress, can be a significant cause of illness and is known to be linked with high levels of sickness absence, staff turnover and other issues such low staff morale and increased interpersonal conflict.

We can work with you to assess, develop and implement tailored interventions to help support your organisation. We have experience of providing consultancy, crisis management and in house service provision.


Nicholas Rose, Director, UKCP, PGDip, MA, Adv Dip ExPsych

Prior to training as a psychotherapist, Nicholas worked in strategic and development roles in large and small, international, national, private and third sector organisations and understands the differing dynamics that cause and facilitate dysfunction and toxicity. Nicholas now provides consultancy services to organisations wanting ethics to be central to management and development, often where this is driven from a growing understanding of the need to focus on wellbeing. In addition to strategic planning and consultancy, Nicholas oversees the implementation and management of service provision.


Ia Tollstam, Consultant Supervisor, Adv Dip, MA in Couns & Psych, MBACP (accred)

Ia is our Consultant Supervisor for projects with businesses and organisations. Her role is to work with the therapy team to help in providing a therapeutic framework that considers the particular dynamics of the project as the work progresses. 

Ia’s specialism is in working with trauma. She has extensive experience of working with complex trauma with patients requiring longer term therapy and has undertaken further psychoanalytic training in this field. She has also, for a number of years, attended Critical Incidents in both public and private sector corporate organisations, using ‘Psychological First Aid’ interventions and assessing need for further support both for businesses and individuals. In this role she has supported and held consultations with managers in how they best can support staff. 

Ia currently divides her time between working in private practice and as a Student Counsellor in Higher Education for Undergraduate, Masters and PhD students. She also works as a supervisor for other practicing therapists; both trainees and experienced counsellors and psychotherapists.


Marybeth Mendenhall, Senior Associate, MSc, UKCP

Marybeth is a systemic therapist, organisations are often usefully thought about in systemic terms. Some organisations have an ethos akin to a family whilst for others inter-relationships, structures, roles and dynamics can all be approached through the thoughtful application of systemic theories.

Marybeth also has experience from a corporate career prior to training as a therapist and this brings a further layer of expertise that can ensure the therapeutic intervention is appropriate and relevant to the specific needs of the business.

Marybeth leads on the delivery of our clinical services for business and organisations and brings her experience of working in a range of organisational contexts and with a range of issues from crisis management arising from staff bereavements to organisational strategic development. 


Martin Weaver, Senior Associate, UKCP, ANLP

Martin has extensive experience of working with organisations and in supporting them in dealing with crisis both at the time of incident but then dealing with the ongoing therapeutic needs that can arise.

For example, Martin provided psychological support, supervision and training to the staff and counsellors at the 7th July Assistance Centre. The centre provided psychotherapy, guidance and support to people who were affected by the London bombings in 2005, later taking on 16 further terrorist incidents and disasters. 

Martin’s work also focuses on supporting and developing staff who deal with trauma and provision of therapeutic services. He has run workshops, supervised therapists and provided training and consultancy.

Martin has over twenty years experience of working in private practice, is accredited with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). He is qualified to Master Practitioner standard in NLP is an INLPTA certified NLP trainer and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in the supervision of counsellors from the University of Birmingham.


Monika Smolar, Senior Associate, BACP, UKCP

With over twenty years of experience working in different fields and circumstances Monika has built an extensive experience in supporting private and public organisations.

Her wide range of clients, from students/young people to adults gives her the means to provide first hand therapy in different occurrences. Monika is able to provide a variety of organisational services from providing one to one therapy, to workshops and training on various wellbeing issues and also critical incident debriefing and support.

Monika's therapeutic approach is based upon the current concept of pluralistic psychology which seeks to match clients requirements with appropriate concepts and models, such as integrative, humanistic and existential, behavioural or psychodynamic. It assumes that no one approach can be expected to fully meet every client's needs.


Our articles

Please see our relevant blog / media articles here:

Ethics, wellbeing and organisations

Business Communications in the time of COVID-19Hounslow Chamber Magazine

In this article we talk about how businesses can be most skilful in approaching communications with their workforce.

Why is workplace health & well-being so important?: Hounslow Chamber Magazine 

Further Businesses & Organisations Therapy Assistance

If you require further assistance regarding our Businesses & Organisations Therapy Services either Contact Nicholas Rose & Associates using the Enquiry form here below or please telephone 020 8996 9551

Therapists Specialising in Services for Businesses and Organisations:

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Myself and my husband had several sessions with your Therapist both online and in person. I have been fortunate to have therapy in the past but your Therapist was quite different, really intuitive, I felt for me, they was the exact balance ...

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