COVID-19 Pandemic and Therapy

The COVID-19 Pandemic has raised many conerns and issues relating to mental health, psychological wellbeing and therapy. On this page we cover some of the impacts, talk about specific concerns related to therapy and signpost therapists and therapies that can offer help and support.

COVID-19 concerns and issues?

Our team of therapists have been working through the whole of the COVID-19 pandemic and clients have talked with us about concerns experienced as a result of the changes, uncertanity and specific events.


The pandemic has brought loss to many peoples lives, there is the shock of loss but also many complications specific to the pandemic. People can feel guilty about surviving when loved ones did not, struggle that they were not able to spend time with sick and dying relatives and find it difficult to process loss when treatments and vaccines now mean that people may have been saved.

For more information of bereavement and therapy please click here.


Research showed that anxiety disorders increased during the pandemic. Anxiety is a natural and healthy response to perceived threats but it can lead to prolonged changes in behaviours that become unhelpful.  People have used therapy to discuss their anxiety and coping mechanisms, sometimes to find new ones or to address conerns that have arisen for example, use of alcohol, avoidance of social situations etc.

For more information about therapy and counselling for anxiety please Anxiety and therapy

Long COVID-19 and psychological well-being

Sufferers of Long COVID-19 have reported struggling with psychological well being and research in the USA has shown a significant number of people developing depression, anxiety or dementia within thre months of diagnosis; there are physical impacts as well including debilitating fatigue. If you have had COVID and find you are struggling months after with your psychological wellbeing then therapy can be useful to talk through what is happening and what you can do to cope and what changes you are able to make.

For more information on our counselling and therapy service please Counselling and therapy services


COVID-19 is said to have resulted in a pandemic on loneliness, indeed many of our clients have talked to us about loneliness and the impact on mental health of isolation. The move online of many social groups means that it is still possible to address loneliness as a concern and speaking to a therapist can be useful in deciding whether to make any changes.

For more information please Loneliness.

Re-entry Fear and Panic Attacks

Change and uncertainty increases anxiety and can also lead to panic attacks. Some people have never experienced high levels of anxiety or panic attacks before and so therapy can be useful in understanding  its relationship to the pandemic, build coping strategies and make helpful changes. 


Some reltationships have flourished during the pandemic whilst for many the pressures on the pandemic have brought stress leading to conflict or other difficulties in relationships. Many of our clients have talked to about their relationships, partners have come for relationship therapy, parents for parenting advice, families and organisations.

Trauma and PTSD

People can differ in their reponses to traumatic events, in regards to COVID trauma is something that COVID patients, their families and friends and health workers have reported. If you are still struggling with symptons over a month after the event then therapy might be helpful. 

COVID-19 and Online Therapy

Whilst Online therapy was a popular option for our clients before the pandemic, COVID-19 meant that we needed to move all therapy online.

As In Person counselling and therapy becomes possible again we will be happy to offer both In Person and Online sessions together with the option to combine both.

For more infomration on our Online Therapy Service please Online Counselling and Therapy.

COVID-19 information hub

Please find below a full list of articles, podcasts and youtube videos related to COVID-19.

The importance of boundaries - The Chiswick Calendar

Six Months of COVID-19 - How are you doing? - The Chiswick Magazine

Social Media Scavenger Hunts are leading teenagers astray - The Daily Telegraph

Counselling and Psychotherapy Podcast - Anchor FM

A pandemic of anxiety - The Chiswick Calendar

Back where we started? - The Chiswick Calendar

The rush to judge - The Chiswick Calendar

Psychological tips for surviving the winter - Chiswick Magazine

Acts of Bully Are Harmful -

How to overcome comfort spending caused by lockdown anxiety - Daily Telegraph

Bullying Podcast - Anchor FM

Bullying and what to do about it - The Chiswick Calendar

Relationships Podcast - Anchor FM

How is your relationship power dynamic? Podcast

To hibernate or not to hibernate? - The Chiswick Calendar

Has lockdown left you lonely? -

Looking forward to restrictions easing? - The Chiswick Calendar

Looking out for young people - The Chiswick Calendar

Time for a psychological spring clean - The Chiswick Calendar

"Fear of re-entry" and anxiety - The Chiswick Calendar

Social Media and mental health podcast - Anchor FM

Anger: The Telegragh - Do you have Corona-rage?

In this article Nicholas talks about the cause of anger, how to manage anger and how to help those close to you that are struggling with anger.

Self-care in the time of COVID-19: Mind Matters - Chiswick Calendar

In this article Nicholas talks about how to pay attention to your psychological wellbeing.

Business Communications in the time of COVID-19Hounslow Chamber Magazine

In this article we talk about how businesses can be most skillful in approaching communications with their workforce.

Supporting children and parents on return to school: Mind Matters - Chiswick Calendar

An article about the opportunity the return to school has for aprents and children to discuss how things are and how to improve and strengthen their relationships going forwards.

Face Covering Rules and psychological wellbeing: Mind Matters - Chiswick Calendar

In this article we write about how changes to guidelines are experienced and how to think about this in terms of your psychological wellbeing.

Loneliness and lockdown: UKCP - United Kingdon Council Psychotherapy Blog

Why is loneliness such an important concern, as more changes are made to lockdown guidelines?

Anxiety and Facecoverings: The Daily Telegraph - How to master the smize in the age of the face mask

An article on how face masks look set to cover half our faces for months to come. It's time to learn from America's Next Top Model and smile with your eyes

Changes to COVID-19 guidelines: Mind Matters - The Chiswick Calendar

Reflecting on the COVID pandemic, lockdown, its easing and offer some thoughts on what we can be doing and looking out for regarding our own wellbeing and that of those around us.

Facing the next wave of social anxiety: Metro News

SO NOW people in England can meet in groups of up to six people from different households. How is your anxiety about being social?

Further COVID-19 Therapy Assistance

If you require further assistance regarding our COVID-19 Therapy Services either Contact Nicholas Rose & Associates using the Enquiry form here below or please telephone 020 8996 9551

Therapists Specialising in COVID-19 Pandemic and Therapy:

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I just want to thank you for all your support over the past couple of months. You have helped me during a confusing and challenging time in my life and for that I am grateful for your time and understanding

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